
Our Nuts are Gluten Free, have no preservatives and are an ideal afternoon snack.

Nutlicious is a healthier alternative to eating snacks. Unlike others who just sell nuts, we actually roast on the premises at Shop 14 Ningi Plaza, 1224 Bribie Island Road, Ningi, QLD 4511.
Our customers can watch and smell the different type of nuts being roasted and flavoured right in front of their eyes.....YUM!
"They're fresh, yummy and addicting" that's what we've been told by our returning customers.
Stop by for a Free Sample, we're at Shop 14 Ningi Plaza Monday to Saturday from 10:00am to 5:00pm.
Nutlicious products are also available at the following farmers markets in Queensland: Marina Mirage Farmers Market on the Gold Coast every Saturday, Kuraby Farmers Markets in the Kuraby/Logan area every Saturday & Eagle Farm Markets in Ascot every Sunday.
